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Demographic Profile

   In 2015, Barangay San Jose has a population of 2,084 with 1,084 males and 998 females. Total household is 450, which is comprised of 7 Puroks. Of all the Puroks, Purok 3 has the biggest number of population which is 422 with 210 males and 212 females, while the lowest number of population is Purok 7, with 97 inhabitants, 45 is male and 52 females, Purok 4 has the lowest number of household which is only 46.

Population by Sex and Number of Households

  People with ages 31-45 has the highest total population, having 184 males and 183 females that garners a total population of 367. The 5-year old children have the lowest population, which is 40, with 20 males and 220 females. Among the individuals aging 60 years and above, there are 43 individuals who are members of the senior citizen association.

Age group according to Sex

   The total population is 2,084, where the people who are single has the highest total population of 1,209, with 664 males and 545 females. Married couple are 344 males and 349 females in numbers with a total population of 691. Furthermore, the widowers have 23 males and 52 females while divorced couples are 16 with 6 males and 10 females. Couples who are living in are 47 males and 46 females, with a total population of 93. Over-all, single people has the highest population and divorced couples has the lowest population.

Marital Status
Persons with disabilities

   There are 163 persons in the barangay with physical and mental disabilities in which there are 85 males and 78 females In Purok 1, there are 45 people with 29 males and 16 females. In Purok 2, there are 67 individuals, 33 males and 34 females. Purok 3 has only 5, 1 male sand 4 females. Purok 4 has 26, 15 males and 11 females. Purok 5 has none. And Purok 7 has 20 with 7 males and 13 females.

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